Get Travel Risk Information in Real-Time
When it comes to travel, no one is bulletproof. From seasoned travelers to first trippers - no matter who you are, you are bound to find yourself in the inevitable ‘oops!’ moment. Relax, TravelerBuddy takes ‘oops!’ moments out of travel, so you have peace of mind around your travels.
Your home screen is designed to anticipate your every travel need and keeps you informed. That is what you can expect from a Buddy you can trust. TravelerBuddy is also continually adding new features so that you have a travel app that's got your back from start to finish. Our latest feature is about travel risks.A traffic light system which will tell you in real-time, if :
- Your passport is valid for travel
- You need a visa or electronic travel approval
- It is safe to travel to your planned destination
With one tap, you will find all the necessary details.
However, we strongly encourage you to always have a closer look at the risk situation in the country you will travel to. Just tap on the risk section, and you will get more details.
We carefully reviewed travel risk warnings from various countries and from third party providers. Official USA travel advice is the most comprehensive one. Sometimes, travel risk warnings are also impacted by politics, therefore it might make sense for you to review travel warnings issued by different authorities.
As a service, we link your travel destination with the assessments done by Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Singapore, Switzerland, and the United States.
For your reference you will find the links below:
Australia - https://smartraveller.gov.au/
Canada - https://travel.gc.ca/
Germany - https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/de/
France - https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/
Singapore - https://www.mfa.gov.sg/
Switzerland - https://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/de/home.html
USA - https://travel.state.gov/content/travel.html
You should always align your travel plans with the assessment issued by your home country. To benefit from the travel risk feature, you must update your profile (personal information section) with your home country and nationality. Go to your profile
We wish you safe travels.
Bon Voyage,
Your TravelerBuddy Team